Konflikt 47
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No matter which period of history, or fantasy worlds, your games are set, these highly detailed plastic animals are ideal to add flavour to your battlefield. Herds of sheep, cattle and pigs can provide added depth to your dioramas. These animals also great as scenario objectives as you stave off enemy attempts to rustle your vital livestock, whilst German Shepherds are ideal guard dogs! This set c…
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Since its introduction in late 1945, the Coyote has served with distinction in all theatres and environments. Manouverable, well-armed, and mechanically reliable the Coyote has proven adaptable to any combat role, from recce to urban assault. Armed with 2 fists, a light machine gun, and a forward facing heavy machine gun, it's an agile light walker used by both US and British forces (known as the…
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M8 Grizzly Medium Assault Walker the first truly practical walker designed using Rift technology; the Grizzly is a watchword in rugged and practical design. Armed with the proven 75mm gun and a .50 HMG, the Grizzly is versatile and adaptable. More useful are perhaps the powerful arms that can smash tanks and clear obstacles. Well-liked by its crews, the Grizzly is considered a better infantry supp…
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As most nations began adopting heavily-armoured infantry, the British took a more extreme view. With automatons providing close fire support to the infantry, it was decided that any armoured troops should be capable of providing a punch beyond that of current infantry. Therefore the British developed the Galahad Armoured Suits, intended to overwhelm opposition strong points. Although limited in nu…
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As British research and development continue in the embryonic fields of automation and automotive intelligence, the combination of automated control units and armoured vehicles is a logical progression. With no requirement for crew comfort and with a greater tolerance to shock, noise and impact, an automated vehicle offers the opportunity to place larger weapon systems on relatively small, agile a…
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These mechanical monstrosities tower over the average soldier, this allows them to bear heavy machine guns with little penalty. Used to spearhead assaults or guard rear-flanks, these are mainly used for casualty heavy missions. The ideal solider to counter all of the British Empire threats, and to protect the British solider on the front-line. After the impact the first Rift-tech has on the battle…
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The Automated Infantry are capable of carrying considerable firepower, these 10 ft tall automatons can be used to spearhead assaults and defend rear-guards, protecting the British solider from these dangerous and casualty-heavy tasks. The Rift-tech advances to Alan Turing's early computers have allowed British scientists to create a very rudimentary but effective AI, capable of carrying out orders…
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Having succeeded in automating an armoured carrier, the British Rift-tech Division looked to develop the concept further, combining the continuing improvements in AI technology with a purpose-built chassis capable of carrying several weapon systems in a universal mount. This would allow rapid changes in weapon load to suit specific missions. Originally conceived as a walker with legs, Rift-tech ad…
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n a bid to utilise more Rift-technology in enhanced combat power, a relatively minor line of development inadvertently spawned the Meteor Rocket and subsequently its tank-mounted launcher. The discovery of a metal degrading enzyme that could rapidly degrade armour plate led Britain’s Rift-tech scientists to develop a ceramic-tipped rocket that could be launched from a multiple launcher against hea…
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With Europe suffering the worst winter in memory, military activity slows to a crawl. Air operations struggle to have any impact and the Germans take advantage of the weather to consolidate their positions. At night, German and American super-soldiers conduct their own war within a war. All sides use the respite to develop increasingly sophisticated weaponry and restore the fighting strength of th…
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In order to test new equipment and technology coming from the UK’s Rift-tech labs and workshops, the 7th Bn Grenadier Guards were seconded to the Rift Research Department in order to provide troops to trial new equipment and technology. Once initial trials were completed, platoons of the Battalion would deploy forward to test the equipment on the front line, often to the benefit of the infantry th…